Allow me to introduce myself..


Welcome to my new place of solace, vault of occasional usefulness and generally whirling written account of the thoughts inside of my brain!

Before we get started, I want to make a few things crystal clear. This is going to be a place with a colourful array of mixed emotions, where I will talk about depression and elation of various levels of severity depending on how I feel at the time of my writing. This is MY safe place after all, But I hope that this may be somewhere that you can also express yourself freely about the topics at hand.

If this is something that could potentially trigger you, then this may not be the place for you. To the extreme opposite, I will, undoubtedly and unabashedly talk about my conditions with humour and ridicule - because if we don't see the funny, what does that leave us with?

This is a judgement free space. I hope to at some stage share images of myself - from my best to my worst. I'm not there yet, but I hope to be soon because I believe in enlightening others who have not experienced this condition, and encouraging empowerment and acceptance because we all know what a bitch this condition is to get rid of! Anyone found to disregard this part will be promptly banned.

Also, there will be swearing - you can bet you're ass on it. :)

This will hopefully become a place of unity among sufferers of a condition that robs us of some very basic liberties - Like looooooong steamy hot showers.. Trying on clothes in a store without an overwhelming desire for a dustpan and broom in our handbags or a pocket sized vacuum..  Running Baywatch style down the beach in a sexy two piece.. (I'm lookin' at you, fellas!) or for me - Getting Tattoos where I want to bloody put them, dammit!

So this is me. My name is Joy, although most call me Milli. I am a 26 (going on 93) year old mum of one amazing 2 year old. I'm lucky enough to have already met my soul mate in my Fiance, Jason - 10 years and going strong!

I've been suffering with Severe and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis for 26 years - that's all of my years. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis at about 21 - Although I'd had all the markers and symptoms since around 16.

I live in Tasmania - Mostly because I'm nuts apparently. I'm the Ned Stark of Hobart - the second the light outside is gone by 8pm - WINTER IS COMING! We are firmly in the grips of the freezing cold that can only be a Tasmanian Winter. Yeah, like.. It's pretty an all.. But I wouldn't know.. I'm busy hibernating to try and stay warm and avoid the damn plague bearing general public. I assume you all know my battles. It's a burden we all must bare.

I hope to post a few times a week - Sometimes more, sometimes less. Depends on how I'm feeling - Sometimes an energetic toddler is enough to deal with.. I assume you understand :)

So I find myself here at 12.54 am, Trying to decide where to start on this seemingly un-ending story.

At some stage I will have "all" up for reading but would love to know your input - Past, Present or Future first?

If you would like to hear some of my past - good and bad - Comment Past!
If you would like to hear about what is going on presently - Comment Present!
And should you like to know about the Long Term outlook - Comment Future!

Your Comments below can be posted anonymously should you so desire.

Thanks For reading, and I hope to see you back soon!


  1. Past Present and Future, I'm interested in it all as I know all our stories vary so much.

  2. Past present and future because that's what this goddam disease is, add in fibromyalgia and welcome to my 🌎


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