An Ode To Our Supporters - And a bit about mine!

Hello, and Welcome/ Welcome back!

Today's post is for our #1 supporters. For me, that would be my Hubs2B, Jason.

Those of us who live our daily lives with Psoriasis or PsA know how debilitating it can be.

I've had months where I've needed help with everything from getting out of bed to showering and using the bathroom. I've been lucky that I've never needed help with the more intimate parts of bathroom use, however, I've needed help with the getting off the loo afterwards! 

I am lucky enough to have had the most amazing human in my life! Backstory time!

We met at a car meet about 2 hours from where I lived. I went with another friend, and he introduced me to J and a bunch of his friends. Somewhere throughout the afternoon, we were all sitting around talking, and there were no seats left. J was standing and I offered for him to share my seat. He kind of mumbled an ok, and then wandered over and sat down on my chair designed for one. Everyone else there obviously knew him well and exchanged a bunch of somewhat surprised looks, but I didn't really know why, after all, we'd met about 3 hours before hand and barely said a word to each other! Later on, I got a touch tipsy and proceeded to blurt my whole life story to him. He politely sat there nodding and smiling, while thinking who the hell is this girl and why won't she shut up! I had taken photos of a bunch of the cars and J's happened to have a for sale sticker on the back - it had his number. I was curious if one of the other guys had won a competition he had entered his car in, so the next day, I texted and asked. We got to talking and soon realised that not only were we both from the same end of the state, we live in the same suburb, just two streets apart. He did a drive by of my house about 2 minutes later just to see if I was serious.

Our first time hanging out was actually him walking with me around the block near our houses. I'd been to the doctor that day about my back being sore (Ironically), and he told me to walk more and build up the muscle, so I asked J if he would like to join me, seeing he was within walking distance anyway. We walked and talked and it was so easy.

on about the third "date" I asked him a personal question about something or other, and he asked if he could ask me one. My stomach dropped because I knew what was coming, and he asked "whats the rash on your chest?" I told him I had Psoriasis, and that it wasn't contagious or anything, I've had it my whole life. He just kind of nodded and said ok - that was it. After he left, we wound up talking on the phone for about 6 hours, he asked some questions he had - about 5, and that was it. He was understanding and accepting and it was like it didn't exist for him, he didn't notice it, or act strangely because of it. If I asked him for help with creams etc, he'd help without a second thought and was in my corner if his friends judged or asked things. From then on, we've been joined at the hip, and I don't know what I would do without him.

He's been with me through the worst and lowest points in my life. He's supported me Physically, Mentally and Financially when I've been unable to do it alone. He's been to every doctor and specialist appt, stayed by my side through every hospital stay and many an ambulance ride. He's Sat up all night with me when it has gotten too much and words and tears won't stop coming. He's surprised me with a whole watermelon instead of flowers when I was feeling down because he knows it's my favorite. He's dried me after showers when I can't bend down and helped dress me when I can't stand up. He's made me laugh when I felt like I was dying. He's injected me with every needle because he knows I can't, even though he doesn't like needles himself, and doesn't take it personally when I swear at him the whole time hes doing it because it hurts.
He's spent the last two months working from home so I can rest when I need it, and look after our son when he knows I can't. He's there for me when no one else is. Always.
He's been through it all with me, doing everything he can for me without help, running himself down, just so that I'm ok.

This is my support person, my best friend, my fiance, the father of my little man, and the only person I can always rely on. He deserves all the thanks I can give, and a million times more than that. I know how lucky I am to have someone so wonderful by my side.


We all have a person like this - It may not be a partner, it could be a friend, or family member, it could even be a support worker. We are often so consumed in what is happening to us and how it's affecting us to see how it affects our supporters, but we all know it does in one way or another. It is hard on them - They watch mostly helplessly while you are in pain or hurting inside, while feeling like they aren't doing enough for you. To feel the burden of their own issues in life they often do not share, just to keep that burden off you.

I want to thank you, you freakin' amazing people. Without you our lives would be very different, and incredibly difficult. You help us every day with some of the most seemingly insignificant things like a cuppa or a chat to the most enormous things like jabbing us with needles and helping us live a better life! Those things make all the difference for us! Every single thing you do is appreciated, and we are so very thankful. I am so thankful that there are others out there like my amazing partner that choose to help others like me. You guys are Superheroes!

Man! I wish I was Oprah right now! "You get a holiday! YOU get a holiday! EVERYBODY GETS A HOLIDAAAAAAAAAAY!!!"

Readers, I would love it, if you could share this post with your amazing people, to tell them how much you love and appreciate them! I would also love to know how these people came to be in your life! :)

I hope this may also help those on the outside looking in who may be reading this, to see the buggery we all go through. To understand the struggles our supporters can face and highlight the sacrifices they make for the sake of us. I encourage you to offer our supporters, your support.

If you have anything you would like to share about your amazing person, or a personalized message for them when they read, please leave a comment below! Let them know how you feel! (remember, comments can be left annonymously if you prefer :)

Thanks so much for Reading!


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