Strangers and our Conditions - Part One - The funny?

Hey again guys!

So today I wanted to write a bit of a fun post. Or at least, poke some fun at the situations we've all been in at some point.

How many times have you been asked "Is it contagious!?" With a look of horror, or a discreet step back? or "Whats wrong with your *insert body part here*" or "Did you burn yourself?" "You should wear sunblock next time!"

Hot tip folks. Don't do that.

Now, I cant speak for us all, I can only speak for me. When I am out and about with my family/ friends/ alone, I notice when other people have Psoriasis. We are kind of like a secret society. We acknowledge each other with a bit of a nod and a smile, and continue moving right along. We know what it is, we know how it feels, so its a bit like acknowledging a fellow comrade who is fighting just like me. We don't need to stop and quiz each other on treatments, or whats hot in steroid creams this season and the latest in breathable fabric fashions. It's really not that exciting!That being said, if you see me, and you/ someone you love suffers from the same thing, I am happy to stop and chat, just don't count on that from everyone.

So we all know how hard it can be sometime to hide our skin in public. Summer Is always harder, because you don't want to die of heat stroke, but getting brave and strutting with your skin out draws a lot of attention. Makeup can camouflage or accentuate it depending seemingly on luck alone, and forget it when its roasting - it all melts off as soon as you walk out the door anyway.

I went to the M.A.C Counter at my local Myers once. I was asking for recommendations for something to hide the redness of the Pso on my face. I was also fairly rough and flaky at the time. She felt bad for me so decided to help me by giving me a "make over". She put me into the little director's chair, and began layering about 15 coats of a thick, orange based stick foundation over my forehead. Not my whole face! No no! Just my forehead. So I went from looking like someone with an unfortunate skin condition without too many side eyes, to someone who obviously had some kind of hideous contagious growth on her forehead and was trying to hide it to get closer and infect everyone! I've never in all my time with Psoriasis, had more double takes and outright stares as I did in the time it took me to get to the nearest public bathroom to scrub it all off. Never been to a makeup counter since. If ya don't laugh, ya cry, ya know? I still wish I had snapped a photo.

Now-a-days, I don't care so much about others opinions. I'm always aware if you are staring, and will ask if you have any questions about it, if it gets too long, to point out that i'm aware of the stare. If people have been obviously rude or exceptionally obnoxious, I've been known to get a bit.. pissed.

I was on a night out, and this guy had been obviously pointing and whisper shouting to his mates about me, and taking bets on what was wrong with me. "Recon someone set fire to her? Nah bro, definitely some kinda disease, probably, like, herpes or somethin!"
Enter asshole guys mate while I was getting my jacket from the coat check. "hey, noticed ya arm, what happened?" "Oh, I dunno! I just started to feel itchy after your mate danced with me earlier, recon it looks contagious?! I'm going to the emergency room now! Tell him he should definitely get to the doctor. You guys probably should too! You've all been rubbing shoulders all night!" Cue a look of horror, and a sprint back to his mates who proceeded to panic and leave for the door, while main asshole guy is trying to tell them he didn't remember if he danced with me!?" He didn't, but whatever. My bad. :)

Then there are the people who try to relate to you via any means necessary. "Oh, You have Psoriasis? I burned my arm on the stove once, scabbed up for ages, I know how you feel!" "Oh you poor thing! I remember what chicken pox felt like, its awful isn't it! Pop some calamine lotion on it, you'll feel better in no time." "Oh, my brothers friend Carlos is allergic to kiwi fruit, breaks him out in hives, so I understand exactly what your going through"

Well, I mean, thanks for trying.. But you kinda don't though. I get what they are trying to do, by making it seem normal and show that they can sympathise. What it actually does is minimise your condition to that of a temporary thing like an allergic reaction, and also tell you that they've suffered too. I've found myself many a time comforting a stranger over their injury/ memories/ friends illnesses, when they'd started by trying to commiserate with mine. This one for me atleast is a minor transgression. I get it. Not everyone knows what to say to us to make us feel accepted and welcome, but at least they are trying. When I feel they can handle the information I usually explain a bit more about it - like its not temporary and its not just skin, but what they take away from that is on them.

I want to know your stories! What are your memorable encounters with people, good or bad? We all have them, because, well, people just cant seem to help themselves! haha.

Leave a comment below with your best story or nugget of advice you've received, or feel free to post to the comments section of my Facebook Page :)

Part two will be posted tomorrow! A What Not To Do!

Thanks so much for reading!



  1. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts. chat with strangers


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