My Current Treatment - Progress Report

Hey Guys!
So as you might know if you are following along on any of my other social media (Instagram and Twitter if you are interested) I recently began not just my new treatment, but a new treatment!

Going by the name of Taltz, This is another sub-cutaneous injectable, available in a PFP or Traditional pre filled injection. Now, I about fell off my chair when I first googled this one, because one of the first things that came up for me was the cost. This ain't cheap! While covered by the PBS it is only the standard $38.80 - The private cost for two injections is a whopping $3,409.52!

Other things I found out while googling -
- side effects/ long term effects are largely unknown aside from the more standard ones eg, headaches, injection area reactions, nausea, higher risk of infections and sore throats are common.
- This particular drug is only just out of its clinical trial phase. As in only openly prescribed (by a specialist) in 2017. Brand spanking new.
- The needles are fortold to hurt. Alot. I can now confirm this.
- It is being tested as a treatment of PsA - So this - like Humira should be a dual treating drug.
- This company seems to be big on "selling" the drug. I will explain more further on.

So Upon my prescription being filled, I contacted the number to organise my induction. They do a survey with you to get an idea of how it has been affecting your day to day life, your social life, sex life, levels of pain, embarrasment and fatigue. I was then given a rundown on the schedule of these injections - Loading dose of 2 on day one, then 1 fortnightly for the first 3 months, and then on to 1, monthly. This is what I wanted from Humira.

I had my first round on Friday August 4th (last week) and the difference is already huge! These photos were taken on Tuesday 8th!

As you can see, the redness has gone down a heap, as has the scaling/flaking. Behind my ears has completely gone as of today, as has the back of my neck. (wednesday /day 5)

My chest feels almost like normal skin, as does my upper back, but it still has a touch of discoloration.

It has been insanely itchy over the last few nights but instead of bleeding, or even breaking the skin, it seems to be more to get the scaling off. It seems the outer border will be the last to go, that is what is thickest at the moment, but its dissappearing from the center out. This is also what happened with Humira and how creams have worked for me in the past. Is this how it goes for you too? I will continue to take photos as I go along :) 

The needles are very painful to say the least. If you've experienced Humira PFPs then you know that they hurt. Alot. These are similar in pain but a bit worse, and these ones also hurt alot longer after the needle is done. Infact my legs are still tender and bruised feeling today! They feel like a good corky. Not much fun, especially with a climby jumpy heavy toddler!
It has eased my joint pain, but not as quickly or as completely as Humira did for me, I still have some pain, but it is only the first dose so im optomistic!

Now. I mentioned earlier about them being keen to "sell" the drug. As part of my "induction" I was sent a package. It contained a sharps container, an informational booklet, what appeared to be another book, and a usb cord? I initially thought they'd put it in by accident, until I opened the second book. Turns out it was a preloaded promotional screen with information and videos on how to inject etc. It seems like a bit of a waste, Especially when a community health nurse comes out to show you what to do anyway. I would rather they made the product more accessible and affordable instead. They do, however, take a very personal approach to your care. I was told they would make regular contact with me over the coming months to see how I am going, and that I could call anytime if I had questions etc. It seems as though the group of people receiving this is relatively small, so I do feel quite privileged to be a part of it. 

Either way, It seems to be doing things which is great! If you have any questions about Taltz or my progress, please leave a comment below and I'll do my best to answer them!

As always, Thanks so much for reading!


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