Current Treatment - Taltz, Two week check In!

Hey guys!!

I just wanted to jump in real quick and share I'm on all the social medias now! If you would like to follow for more frequent updates, life stuff and regular photo updates you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I'd love to see you there!

So today I have my 2-week Taltz update! For those just tuning in, there is a post in the "Current Treatments" tab if you would like to catch up. :)

So! Its been 14 days, and I feel like I can give a more insightful "review" of sorts.

So as you know, on Friday the 4th, I had my first loading dose of Taltz. We chose to use the PFP as neither J nor me are ultimately fond of needles, and seeing as he gives them to me, what he prefers goes - because I'm a big chicken and can't do it to myself. :p

On day one, my legs ached, and felt a lot like I'd been given a really good dead leg in both legs. They continued to feel like this for about 3-4 days. On day 2-3, the injection site was very warm to the touch, but not particularly swollen or red. I also developed a headache that lingered for about 3 days. Not an overly bad one, just persistent. Panadol and Nurofen took care of it, but it would still be there when they wore off.

I began noticing changes to my skin on day 2-3. By day three, behind one ear was clear already! It continued in this fashion starting from my ears and scalp, to my neck, upper back, and chest. I've found that my torso and lower back are the parts that will linger longest.

This has helped my joints a little, but on and off. Some days it feels like they are back to normal, then I wake up the next day stiff and achy again. probably my own fault as when I can use it I do - clean things that have been left off the list too long, lift things I shouldn't because I can type thing. So overall, a bit hit and miss so far, but it has been basically one dose, so it has plenty of time to improve.

On Saturday 12th, I went and got a new tattoo! Right over my injection site on my right leg. J and I always argue about where the needles should go, so I got a literal target for him to aim for :p.
That went really well! No abnormal swelling, or bleeding or anything, actually was pain-free from the get go! I found this with Humira also, Tattoos settle really fast and heal quickly because they don't hold the information as long, which is a bonus for me, for sure!

On about day 8, My headache returned. It has remained since. The severity changes from mild to migraine, Depending on what I'm doing. Toddlers with noisy toys don't help much! It's mostly been ok, just taking OTC pain relief, But did resort to Forte's and an Endone when things got particularly bad. Because I have PsA in my shoulder, that can also make normal headaches worse, so when that plays up too I take an endone and jump into bed for some rest. I've also been extremely tired, I've felt pretty fatigued for the last few months (prior to starting), This eased for the first few days post injection, and then was back after about day 5. I'm hoping after my maintenance dose today, things will look up again because my shoulder is playing up a lot today!

Aside from that, I've not had much in the way of side effects! I have noticed a decreased appetite, but that could be in part from the headaches. And the itchiness for the first week, but again, I think that was more my skins irritation with it being there, and trying to get the last layer of extra flakiness off.

And now, the part we've all been waiting for! The Photo Updates!!

**For this 14 day period, I have not moisturised, used any creams medicated or otherwise, or used any medicated shower or bath oils/ washes. This is solely the improvement made by Taltz alone.**

So my face was the most obvious area for me, because, well, it's your face! It's what most people tend to look at! I Had been using creams up until day one if I knew I had an event coming up, and also when it was quite sore. Because it was on my face, I just couldn't stop picking at it, which only made it worse. 

 Behind my ears were the first to go! Specifically my left ear. My right one took an extra day or two to catch up.
My upper back/ neck area was second to clear, and between my ears and upper back, it took my scalp P with it! As of today, I have nothing on my scalp that I can feel, so that is clear now too! As you can see, my neck area was quite red and aggravated, because it was so itchy, I couldn't stop scratching it. I'm pretty glad that it's gone!
As you can see, my back has cleared up a lot! My lower back is clinging on a bit harder, but it's always been the last to show improvement on any treatment, so I'm not entirely surprised. It has lost its thickness but is still a bit itchy and pink. At least it's now nice and soft.
My chest has always been the first place for my P to rear its head, ALWAYS between my boobs as well as the central spot underneath my boobs. The spot next to my belly button is never far behind them. As of today, my chest feels mostly normal, only the outer edge is a tiny bit rough, and it's actually because my healthy skin is peeling the tiniest bit where they met.
 This is my favourite progress shot. This was my sidekick *Geddit???* Lilah. I used to joke that she was a working girl who went on one too many jobs and caught something nasty. It makes me laugh. Well, her mask turned into a veil, which turned into sheer chiffon. If I have any readers who've watched Rupauls Drag Race - I renamed her Valentina. If you haven't, you should! Your welcome! Haha.
So this is my worse side, which is unusual for me as my left side is almost always worse for everything. Anyway, as you can see, the patches are no longer rough or angry red, but they are still quite noticeable. I have no doubt after I have my next dose that it will continue to disappear.
Lastly, is this spot on the side of my leg/ knee area. This is always a bloody stubborn spot! It rarely completely goes, and often looks the worst, because when I stand for any length of time, the circulation goes to pot, and it turns a dark purple/ blue colour and looks like I'm dying of a blood clot. It is showing huge signs of improvement, which is great, but I'm interested to see if it will go completely. It's actually a little redder today than a few days ago, but I think it is just because I'm due my next dose.

My only additional thoughts after putting these pictures together are that my general skin colour seems to have pinkened up a bit. I've noticed my makeup doesn't cover the same as my healthy skin is also a bit dryer than before. So back to moisturising! I've also noticed that my healthy skin is a touch easier to damage. Because tattoos itch a lot when they are healing, I've been lightly scratching around it, and it has been enough to raise blood under the skin. Doesn't seem to break it, but enough to notice the tiny red dots under the surface. That's something I will keep an eye on and report back in future updates! So - there you have it! 14 days of improvement!

If you have loved ones who doubt they'll ever see themselves with clear skin again, please show them this post, and my Humira post, because I never thought I would either! I would have loved to see something like this to push me to find the things that worked so much sooner! I'm not a hugely body confident person, but hope that by sharing these pictures, it will give people some hope that there is help out there, it's just a matter of finding it!

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read!



  1. Wow Milli. What a result. So very happy for you. I wish you continued success with the treatment.



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